Did Mark Make a Mistake?
Was Mark confused regarding the identity of “Philip,” the first husband of Herodias?
The Canaanite Woman: A Conflict between Matthew and Mark?
In two Gospel narratives, representing the same incident, one writer refers to a certain woman as a Canaanite, while another calls her a Syrophoenician Greek. Does this constitute a Bible contradiction?
John 6:27-29 – The “Work” of Faith
A remarkable passage in John demonstrates that a human response is required in God’s plan of salvation.
Jesus, Cursed by God
What is the symbolic meaning behind the statement that Jesus was hung on a tree when he was actually hung on a cross?
Isaiah 7:14 – Did Isaiah Prophesy the Virgin Birth of Christ?
Many liberal theologians, who do not believe in the predictive prophecy of the Old Testament, argue that the term “virgin” should be translated “young maiden.” Is this true?
Matthew 18:26 – An Unpayable Debt
A closer look at one of Jesus’ parables intensifies the point intended by our Lord.
1 Peter 3:4 — The Incorruptible Spirit
The Scriptures teach that human beings have a spirit/soul that is capable of suffering everlasting punishment.
1 Samuel 1:1 – Elkanah, the Ephraimite
The Old Testament identifies the father of Samuel the prophet as both a Levite and an Ephraimite. How can this be? Did the Old Testament writers make a mistake? Not hardly. Below is one possible explanation for the seeming conflict.
Colossians 1:13 – The Present Kingdom
Is the kingdom of Christ now in existence? Or is the promise of such awaiting the future? The apostle Paul clearly affirms that the kingdom exists now.
News Story Focuses Spotlight on Aspects of Mormonism
The sensational news story regarding the return of the kidnapped Salt Lake City teen has caused public attention to be focused upon certain aspects of Mormon doctrine. This week’s Penpoints article highlights a couple of these issues.
Are We Under Law or Grace?
A significant group of misguided souls alleges that the “grace” of Jesus Christ has dispensed with the need for “law.” This “antinomian” ideology is designed to throw the mantle of fellowship around those who have not obeyed the Lord in the process of becoming a Christian. The adversarial conflict that some see between “grace” and “law” is false.
The Extended-Sabbath Argument and Darwinism
Sometimes Christians are intimidated by the massive propaganda campaign advanced by the followers of Charles Darwin. One indication of this is the common acceptance of evolutionary chronology, i.e., the idea that the Universe is billions of years old. Some, in an effort to find biblical support for the “long-ages” of history presupposition, have argued, on the basis of Hebrews 4:9, that the “days” of the creation week were vast ages. This week’s Penpoints examines this argument.
Lessons from the Ark of the Covenant
The mysterious Ark of the Covenant disappeared from human history but still teaches valuable lessons.
The Parting of the Red Sea: Miracle or Natural Event?
Did Moses really part the Red Sea? Was this event a true miracle, a contrived myth, or a natural event?
Are Contraception and Abortion Siamese Twins?
Are contraceptive methods of birth control equivalent to the practice of abortion?
Is It a Sin for a Christian To Be Depressed?
“Is it a sin for a Christian to be depressed? I am depressed sometimes, and I feel guilty about it. Can you give me any advice?” Christians should have the “peace that passes all understanding,” which Paul describes in Philippians 4:6-7. But this assurance is conditioned on habitually fighting anxiety through prayer. In life, we will all suffer emotional downturns. But Christians look to Christ for comfort and support, and they will be blessed through the divine promise of peace.
Elisha and the Lads of Bethel
The incident in 2 Kings 2:23-24 of Elisha, the bears, and the mocking lads has been cited by atheists in an attempt to involve the Bible in moral difficulty.
A Feud Among Evolutionists
Stephen J. Gould of Harvard University was probably the most militant opponent of Christianity in the nation in the late 1990s. But his popular combative rants against creation got him in hot water from his evolutionary companions, a modern-day feud among friends.
Are You Homophobic?
The “Gay community” is “in your face” these days, foisting their agenda of perversion upon a largely unsuspecting society. Progressively downward we seem to spiral, toward an abyss of amoral corruption. In this week’s Penpoints, Jason Jackson responds to the oft-repeated charge of “homophobia.”
Seven Steps to Greater Bible Understanding
Here is a simple seven point plan to help one start understanding the Bible and its remarkable message.