Must We Do Something To Receive the Free Gift of Salvation?
Why do some claim that one must do something, such as being baptized, in order to be saved?
What Is Leviathan?
This article discusses the possibility of “leviathan,” mentioned in Job, chapter 41.
When Christ Withdraws His Fellowship
This article discusses the meaning of Matthew 18:20 in its immediate context.
Progressively Aggressive “Gay” Movement, The
The so-called “Gay” movement in America is becoming increasingly aggressive. While Christians must exhibit kindness to all, moral principle cannot be compromised.
Can God Be Seen?
How does one reconcile Bible passages which suggest that some “saw” God, but, on the other hand, God cannot be “seen”?
What About the Terms “Godhead” And “Trinity”?
What about the terms “Godhead” and “Trinity”? Is it appropriate to use these words? Do they represent biblical ideas? Study this issue with us in this week’s Q&A session.
When Will Oprah Free Her Slaves?
It is a grievous tragedy that many, like Oprah Winfrey, and those mesmerized by her, are enmeshed in antiquated superstition.
Questions for God
A survey in USA Today reports the most popular questions people would like to ask God. Most of these questions have already been answered within the pages of his Holy Book.
A Remedy for Troubled Hearts
Unquestionably, there are things we cannot change. We can, however, learn to survive by immersing ourselves in a deep and sustained biblical faith.
God’s Tear Bottle
David’s emotional appeal for God to treasure up his tears is a reminder to all God’s children of how much he cares when we are hurting.
Is There a Bible Contradiction Regarding Ahaziah’s Age?
It appears that 2 Kings 8:26 and 2 Chronicles 22:2 conflict with reference to the age of Ahaziah. Is there a reasonable explanation for this discrepancy?
The Corrupt “Incorruptible” Argument Against Baptism
A critic has disputed the biblical position that water baptism is requisite for the forgiveness of sins. He contends that one cannot be saved by a “corruptible” method. But “water” is corruptible. Thus, it has no place in the plan of redemption. Does the argument have merit? Read this article and see.
What About Jacob’s Prophecy Regarding Zebulun?
Some allege that when Jacob uttered a prophecy regarding the tribe of Zebulun (Genesis 49:13), the declaration failed. Study this issue with us.
The Credibility of the Book of Acts
Professor Henry J. Cadbury of Harvard once pointed out that the book of Acts readily “lends itself” to establishing the “realism of the scenes and customs and mentality which it reflects.” Acts is accurate! Reflect upon this point with us.
David’s Prophecy Regarding Judas
The apostle Peter declared that David issued a prophecy regarding Judas Iscariot. Did he? If so, what are some of the lessons to be learned from that inspired declaration?
Was Potential Sin by Christ Prophesied?
This question explores the possiblity of whether Nathan prophesied about the possible sin of Christ.
Does the Marriage of an Unbeliever to a Believer Sanctify the Unbeliever?
Does 1 Corinthians 7:14 teach that a non-Christian is “sanctified” (saved) by being married to a Christian?
What Is the Morning Star of Revelation 2:28?
What is the “morning star” promised to the faithful who overcome?
The Subterfuge of the “Intelligent Design Movement”
Every logically thinking person instinctively knows that “where there is design, there must be a designer.” Even atheists concede the point. Those who follow the logic to its ultimate conclusion, and who seek to honor the great Designer, do not hesitate to affirm that the design evidence points to God. It is a great tragedy that some choose to conceal this fact.
Buy a Sword?
When Jesus said, “Buy a sword,” what did he mean?