What About Judging Angels, Godfathers and Ezekiel’s Temple?
This week’s Question & Answer segment addresses concerns regarding the “judging of angels,” the practice of appointing a “Godfather,” and the matter of the Messiah and the “temple” pictured in the book of Ezekiel.
A Divine Platform for Christian Unity
In Paul’s letter to the saints in Ephesus, there is a marvelous platform for Christian unity. In this article, Wayne Jackson discusses the components of the plan for sacred unity.
David’s Prophecy Regarding Judas
The apostle Peter declared that David issued a prophecy regarding Judas Iscariot. Did he? If so, what are some of the lessons to be learned from that inspired declaration?
RU-486: Murder by Mouth
This editorial discusses the new abortion pill, RU-486.
Harold Kushner’s Messiah
When Harold Kushner wrote a book for children with religious questions, he de-personalized the “Messiah” of the Old Testament. Without any justification whatever, he simply re-wrote history. Such is the epitome of arrogance.
Did Paul Sin in Submitting to the Temple Ritual?
One of the most controversial contexts in the book of Acts has to do with Paul’s activity in the Jerusalem temple, as recorded in Acts 21. Did the apostle violate the law of God in “purifying” himself in that ritual? Some so claim, but is this a necessary conclusion?
An Analysis of Romans 14
The fourteenth chapter of Romans is a marvelous treatise in which the inspired apostle encourages the strong to assist the weak so that the cause of Christ might be united. It contains such rich lessons for the church of today.
Two Questions: Who Died on the Cross? Thee or You?
Some, in leading prayer at the communion table, will refer to God’s death. Is this appropriate? Some allege that it reflects “more reverence” to use “thee” and “thou” in prayer, rather than the terms “you” and “your.” Is there validity in this observation?
Don’t Mess with the Target
Spiritually, it is not an easy thing, in a world immersed in wickedness, to live a life dedicated to obeying the law of God.
The Age of Insensitivity
Apathy grips our national conscience.
Denomination Claims Biblical Worship
A failure to understand the real distinction between the Old and New Covenants underlies a host of religious errors.
Are Logic and Scripture Compatible?
Not only are logic and Scripture compatible, they are inseparable. If we understand the Bible correctly, and use valid reasoning, biblical truths are concluded.
The Character of Atheism
Someone has said that you can tell something of the character of a person by the heroes he has. There may be something to that. Atheism extols hypocrisy.
Terminal Illness – Living Wills
The earthly life of Terry Schiavo has ended, but the controversy that surrounded this case is far from over. How does one assess these tragic life-and-death situations which are fraught with difficult ethical questions? Ponder this issue with us in this week’s Penpoints.
New Gambling Studies Highlight Age-old Problem
A recent study reveals the destruction caused by gambling.
The Tragedy of Racism
Many have been racist out of ignorance or weakness. Others, with a more ingrained disposition, have sought to defend it.
What Is a Pastor?
It is not uncommon to hear religious people refer to a minister as “the pastor” of the church. There is no such thing as “the pastor” of a church. The term “pastor” is greatly abused in the community of Christendom.
Command or Culture: Discerning the Difference
What is a command in the New Testament and what is merely cultural and not binding today?
Simon, Simon
The complex life of the apostle Peter contains many valuable lessons for the child of God.
Crossing the Rubicon
The expression “Crossing the Rubicon” is famous for deadly decisions that cannot be retracted. There are many of these in life that elicit some reflection.