Singin’ the Blues
To many, the fact that modern society appears to be immersed in filth and debauchery portends nothing but gloom. Others look on the brighter side and attempt to seize the opportunities.
Did Matthew Err Regarding “Judea”?
Critics of the Bible allege that the apostle Matthew made a mistake when he suggested “Judea” was “beyond the Jordan” (Mt. 19:1). Is there any way to legitimately exonerate the apostle from this charge? Study this problem with us.
The Rationale for Evaluating Political Leaders
By what standard should one evaluate a political leader? Does the Bible shed any light on this question?
The Preacher and His Audience
Both the preacher and his audience have responsibilities in the kingdom of Christ.
Blasphemy — What Is this Great Sin?
What is the horrible sin of blasphemy? Have I been guilty of it? Can one obtain pardon for it?
The Importance of Messianic Genealogy
It Christ’s genealogy important in establishing his identity as Messiah? Consider the evidence.
What Must I Know To Be Saved?
Unlike some other religions, the validity of Christian faith rests upon what we believe about the gospel of Christ. But what exactly must one know to become a child of God? Let’s explore these thoughts in this brief article.
Philippians 1:16 – Providence and Persecution
The faithful Paul viewed his persecutions as the providential workings of God in the defending of the gospel message.
Nehemiah 2:8 – Providence
An account in the Old Testament book of Nehemiah serves as a remarkable example of divine providence.
Christianity Today Editor Just Doesn’t Understand
An associate editor of has severely criticized the teaching methods of Jesus. In doing so, he has reflected upon himself far more than he has the Lord.
The Second Death — Separation or Annihilation?
There is a growing movement in “Christendom” to repudiate the biblical doctrine of a “hell” that is characterized by everlasting torment, as a result of being separated from God. This is a deadly position that must be opposed vigorously.
The Pain of Lingering Regrets
Every sensitive soul is troubled from time to time by regrets that linger regarding past deeds in his life. There is a wrong way and a right way to deal with regret. Think about this matter with us in this week’s Penpoints article.
Did the Nile River Really Turn to Blood?
During the plagues that were visited upon Egypt, prior to Israel’s departure from that land, did the Nile River actually turn to blood, or was this merely a silting of the river with red clay?
Another Fossil Flub
Stephen J. Gould of Harvard University is probably the most militant opponent of Christianity in the nation today. Now, though, the tables are turned. Gould is on the receiving end of a fiery blast “and that from one of his own evolutionary colleagues.”
Abraham – A Case of Old Testament Accuracy
Several important achaeological discoveries demonstrate once again the uncanny accuracy of the Bible.
Training Killers
Author David Grossman has shown that the tactics employed by the military to turn young men into killing machines are prevalent in the entertainment media used by our youth.
Roman Catholic Professor Denies the Resurrection of Christ
A Roman Catholic scholar, Professor Thomas H. West, has renounced the doctrine of the resurrection of Christ in a newly published book. There is nothing fresh in his approach. It is the same old infidelity that has been around for centuries.
Does the English Standard Version Support Watchtower Doctrine?
The recently translated English Standard Version, in a passage dealing with the ultimate fate of the earth, speaks of the earth being “exposed” at the time of Christ’s return, rather than the common rendition “burned up” (2 Pet. 3:10). Does this translation provide comfort to the “Jehovah’s Witnesses”?
He Restores My Soul
Does your soul need to be restored? The Great Shepherd of Psalm 23 promises to restore our souls.
The Fragrance of Christian Influence
Influence is powerful for good or evil. Are you striving to enhance your influence for the honor of Christ?