Is Sexual Self-stimulation Wrong?
Sometimes the most unpleasant topics are worthy of addressing for the benefit of others. That is the case with the theme below.
The Judas Make-Over
Judas Iscariot, the betrayer of Christ, was one of the most despicable characters ever to disgrace the human family. Why has it become so fashionable to attempt a rehabilitation of this culprit? Because perverse men delight in calling darkness light, and light darkness.
The Historicity of Jesus Christ
Did Jesus of Nazareth ever live? Is the New Testament data regarding him reliable? This is a crucial issue.
The Google “Gag” Order retaliates against the Christian Courier’s “The Progressively Aggressive ’Gay’Movement” article. No better example of aggressive behavior could be cited.
What Do You Know About Demons?
The study of “demons” is a fascinating yet challenging topic in biblical literature. There is much to be learned from a survey of this theme.
The Doctrine of Eternal Punishment
The truth regarding eternal punishment.
Jeane Dixon and the Psychic Hall of Shame
Do you remember Jeane Dixon? She was a world-renowned “psychic.”
Does the Old Testament Condemn Tattoos?
Does the prohibition of the law of Moses, against making “markings” in the flesh condemn modern tatoos?
Bible Accuracy
“To err is human.” This truth is forcefully illustrated when one examines the literary productions of mankind. Amazingly, however, the Bible is unblemished by the flaws that generally characterize man’s writings.
Who’s the Boss?
What values are our children really learning from our parenting? Are we really concerned with instilling respect for God and his will in our children’s hearts, or are we more concerned with making sure they have the appearance of a successfull family environment?
What About the Harry Potter Books?
How should the Christian evaluate the Harry Potter book series?
Link between Evolution and Abortion, The
What theory can possibly rationalize the act of killing an unborn child? Some attempt this ethical manipulation by the use of an antiquated argument employed in defence of Darwin’s theory of evolution.
Binding and Loosing
The Roman Catholic church claims that Jesus Christ gave Peter the authority to bind and loose religious law. Matthew 16:19 is a record of this occasion, they say. Was Peter singled out to become the first pope in this passage?
1 Corinthians 1:8 – Confirmed unto the End
Some contend this passage indicates that miracles are a present-day reality. Wayne Jackson explains why this cannot be true.
Can You Explain the “Coasts” of Caesarea?
Is the Bible in error because it speaks of the “coasts” of Caesarea Philippi (Matthew 16:13), and also the “coasts” of Decapolis (Mark 7:31). Both of these regions are inland and have no coasts. Can you explain this?
2 Timothy 2:1 — The Domain of Grace
While it is certainly true that grace is a thrilling element in the divine scheme of things, it is not true that it is unconditionally dispensed, or that it is obtained merely by believing. Study this issue with us.
Understanding Forgiveness
We must try to master the art of forgiving—for others’ sake, and for our own.
Elijah, Prophet of Confrontation
Elijah was one of the great prophets of Old Testament history. Like all of us, he was a man of mixed qualities. Overall, he contributed significantly to the unfolding of Heaven’s plan of redemption.
The Creation Week—Reflections on Genesis
This article is a listing of some of the many truths to be discovered from a study of Genesis chapter one.
A Study of Samson: Faith and Folly
Though the case of Samson is at times perplexing, the Hebrew writer included the judge in a list of “heroes of faith.” A consideration of this Old Testament character yields valuable lessons.