Should “Weak” Christians Be Disfellowshipped?
Should Christians who are merely “weak” be subject to the disfellowship process?
False Teaching Regarding Mary
This article discusses the false doctrine of the “immaculate conception” of Mary, mother of Jesus.
Nickel: A Story of How Little Words Can Cause Big Tears, The
Some lessons in life are worth more than money could buy. There was one such lesson in my early life that was of much greater value than “the nickel” that was involved.
How Did the Samaritan Woman Know About the Messiah?
A Samaritan woman told Jesus that she knew about the coming Messiah. How did this lady know this fact?
Church Controversies
While there certainly are times when a preacher, teacher or church must be publicly censured, there are many cases where problems are dealt with in a less than expedient manner—and far too often with an ugly spirit of division. What are some principles that should guide our reaction to such controversial events?
The Spiritual Person
All of us who profess to following Jesus Christ would like to think we are “spiritual” people. But are we? There can be a vast chasm between merely being a member of the church, and being genuinely spiritual.
Living in Terror
A sincere lady lives in terror because she fears that she is lost and cannot find peace of mind.
The Value of the Factious Spirit
If one believes in the ultimate conquest of good over evil, he can see, even in factiousness, something of the good, the positive, and the noble.
Richard Dawkins: God Hater
Richard Dawkins’s book, The God Delusion, received laudatory praise from the press for his diatribe against religion. Does his arguments against faith in God hold merit? Wayne Jackson responds.
A Reflection Upon Three Crosses
In the spring of A.D. 30, three men were crucified just outside the city of Jerusalem. A consideration of the historical facts associated with each is rewarding indeed.
Mary’s First Communion
What did Mary meditate on during communion?
Is the Restoration Plea Valid?
Perhaps the answer to a decline in Christianity is to restore the church as found in the New Testament.
Some Wise Words from Zophar
Zophar, one of Job’s friends, was a fierce critic of the patriarch of Uz. Many of his charges were unjust. Occasionally, however, he uttered meaningful truth. This brief article discusses one such episode.
Why Does Romans 10:9-10 Not Mention Baptism?
A sincere student wants to know how one can read Romans 10:9-10, which mentions only faith and confession, and then contend that baptism is essential to salvation. Wayne Jackson discusses the “analogy of faith” principle.
The Crucifixion of Christ: The Real Emphasis
Mel Gibson’s movie, “The Passion of the Christ,” continues to generate controversy —especially the prolonged scenes of violence. How does this emphasis compare to the Gospel accounts of the death of Christ? Read this week’s Penpoints for a discussion of this matter.
Is Capital Punishment a Deterrent?
This article addresses the issue of whether capital punishment is a deterrent.
Is Taking an Oath in Court or Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance Forbidden?
Does James 5:12 prohibit a Christian from “swearing” to tell the truth in a court of law? What about saying the Pledge of Allegiance?
Only a Step into Eternity
This article calls for reflection upon the need to be right with God, in view of sudden tragedies.
Did Paul Pray for the Dead?
Sincere Roman Catholics, and some Protestants, allege that Paul uttered a prayer on behalf of a deceased brother in Christ. Is there merit in this allegation. There is not. Study this with us.
How to Go to Heaven — Sincere, but Wrong
A kindly friend comes calling with a tract on “How To Have a Home In Heaven.” Unquestionably they are sincere. But is sincerity a valid substitute for truth? Jason Jackson addresses this issue.