Ephesians 2:3 – By Nature Children of Wrath
Does this passage prove the Calvanistic doctrine of hereditary total depravity? Not in the least.
Colossians 2:12 — Baptism – A Working of God
The Bible denies that man is saved by works of human merit. But what about “works of God.” Study this commonly misunderstood issue with us.
What About Polygamy?
Is the practice of polygamy acceptable today? What about in other countries?
How Do You Explain Joshua’s Long Day?
This article by Wayne Jackson provides a detailed analysis of Joshua’s long day as described in the Bible. It discusses various interpretations from both liberal and conservative scholars and ultimately argues that the event involved a genuine miracle.
Be Confident of Your Salvation – Studies in 1 John (Part 2)
Because of who God is, what He has done, and what He continues to do, we can walk in the light, being confident as Christians and sure of salvation. This is part 2 of a two-part study on John’s first epistle.
Crossing the Rubicon
The expression “Crossing the Rubicon” is famous for deadly decisions that cannot be retracted. There are many of these in life that elicit some reflection.
Some Final Words from Paul
The apostles Paul’s final epistle to Timothy, contains a passage that is so brimming with meaning that it scarcely can be exhausted. Study it with us.
Church Discipline – A Tragic Neglect
A study of church discipline, especially the ultimate act of withdrawal of fellowship
Can We Understand the Bible Alike?
Recently a preacher raised the question: “Can we all understand the Bible alike?” He declared that we cannot, and asserted that those who believe that we can are simply entertaining an ignorant viewpoint.
Do Genesis 10 and 11 Conflict with Reference to the Languages in the Earth?
Some critics of the Bible allege that there is a contradiction between Genesis chapters 10 and 11. Chapter 10 mentions various “tongues” or “languages,” while chapter 11 suggests the entire earth was of one language before the tower of Babel incident. What is the truth of the matter?
False Ideas about the Holy Spirit
False teachers do exist (2 Peter 2:1), and the ideas they advocate are dangerous. In this study, we will direct attention to some false teachings relative to the Holy Spirit.
A Critical Look at Situation Ethics
How do you determine what is right and wrong?
May I Divorce My Wife and Remain Unmarried?
When is divorce permissible? May a marriage partner divorce his or her spouse simply because they have tired of the marriage? Is “authorization” from God required for a divorce? Study this challenging issue with us.
Christianity Today Editor Just Doesn’t Understand
An associate editor of has severely criticized the teaching methods of Jesus. In doing so, he has reflected upon himself far more than he has the Lord.
What Is the Answer to the “Green Tree” Riddle?
On his way to Golgotha, Christ addressed a group of Jerusalem’s weeping women, and asked: “For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?” What is the meaning of this mysterious “green tree” saying?
What Is Rastafarianism? Who Was Bob Marley?
What is the religion called Rastafarianism? How was Jamaican entertainer Bob Marley connected with this movement?
Will There Be Personal Recognition in Heaven?
Will we recognize friends and loved ones in Heaven?
Examine Yourselves!
In dealing with a contentious element in the Corinthian church, and in anticipation of a visit to this congregation, Paul admonished: “Examine yourselves.” Those who are conscientious regarding their own souls will appropriate this principle to their personal beliefs and practices.
Does the Bible Contain Contradictions?
Does the Bible contradict itself? Skeptics frequently claim it does. But a careful consideration of the law of contradiction demonstrates otherwise.
The Spiritual Person
All of us who profess to following Jesus Christ would like to think we are “spiritual” people. But are we? There can be a vast chasm between merely being a member of the church, and being genuinely spiritual.