Reductio Ad Absurdum – The Consequences of an Argument
Many have been lead into doctrinal error by what may seem to be compelling arguments. But when the logical consequences of such arguments are entertained, their absurdity becomes apparent.
The Ascension of Christ: A Most Significant Event
While the resurrection of Christ is generally recognized as the foundation of Christianity, his ascension is equally significant.
The Haunting Question from the Cross
During the six hours in which he hung upon the cross, the Lord Jesus uttered seven sayings. Surely the most perplexing of these was his plaintive question, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46).
Did Jude Quote from the Book of Enoch?
Did Jude quote from the apochryphal “Book of Enoch”? If so, would that affect the credibility of the book of Jude?
When Was the Book of Revelation Written?
When was the book of Revelation written?
Was Mohammed the Prophet of Whom Moses Spoke?
A young convert to Islam asserts that Mohammed was the “prophet” of whom Moses spoke in Deuteronomy 18:15ff. What are the facts regarding this matter?
Isn’t Christ the Author of “Our” Faith?
Is “faith” a gift of God that is bestowed independent of man’s freedom of choice? In a recent article we argued that such is not the case. In view of our dispute of the Calvinistic position, a courteous critic asks for an explanation of Hebrews 12:2, and the divine affirmation that Jesus is the “Author” of “our faith.”
Daniel’s Prophecy of Antiochus Epiphanes
Antiochus Epiphanes was a Greek tryant of the 2nd century B.C. He was a vicious enemy of the Jewish people, outlawing Judaism and descrating the sacred Hebrew temple. In an amazing display of prophetic revelation, Daniel the prophet, several centuries earlier, had detailed some of the exploits of this political monster. Jason Jackson discusses some of Daniel’s stunning predictions in this month’s Feature article.
The Last Will and Testament of Jesus Christ
Borrowing from the legal terminology of the first century, the New Testament writers used the figure of a “last will and testament” to characterize that body of doctrine to which mankind is obligated in the Christian age, i.e., that era of time from the day of Pentecost until the Lord’s return. In this article, we examine several important features of a “last will and testament.”
Israel’s Exodus from Egypt
One of the great scenes of Old Testament history is the exodus of Israel from Egyptian bondage. In this article, we wish to consider four aspects of this epochal event — the date of the exodus, the visitation of plagues upon Egypt, the passover, and the passage through the Red Sea.
Why Did Paul Say, “Let God Be True...”?
In what seems to be a rather blunt statement, Paul wrote to the Roman Christians, “Let God be found true, but every man a liar.” (Romans 3:4). What is the meaning of this challenge?
A Simple Study of the Word “If”
One of the first forms of logical reasoning that children learn is the significance of the particle, “if.” Unfortunately, many forget the meaning of the term in adulthood — especially in religious matters.
The Regeneration – A Study of Matthew 19:28
What is the meaning of that ambiguous expression “the regeneration” that Christ mentioned in Matthew 19:28? Is it a reference to a thousand-year, literal reign of Christ upon the earth? Or does it describe the present Christian regime? Study this passage with us.
Paul’s Instruction to the Saints of Crete
Paul’s admonishment of the Cretan Chrisitans, through Titus, provides a marvelous synopsis of the redemption process.
Abel Still Speaks, But Are We Listening?
The writer of the book of Hebrews says that Abel, the first murder victim, is yet speaking. What is he saying? Are we listening?
Can You Explain the “Coasts” of Caesarea?
Is the Bible in error because it speaks of the “coasts” of Caesarea Philippi (Matthew 16:13), and also the “coasts” of Decapolis (Mark 7:31). Both of these regions are inland and have no coasts. Can you explain this?
Romans 1:27 — The Consequences of Perversion
The “due recompense” which the apostle Paul spoke of regarding sexual perversion is chillingly evident in the world today, as it was even in Old Testament times.
Will God Bring All Sins into Remembrance?
Will God remember all sins on the day of judgment, even those once pardoned?
John 6:27-29 – The “Work” of Faith
A remarkable passage in John demonstrates that a human response is required in God’s plan of salvation.
1 Peter – The True Grace of God
The first epistle bearing Peter’s name speaks of “true grace.” Let us consider more closely the theme of “true grace,” for it is implied that there might be a false concept of grace.