Is the Apocrypha Inspired of God?
Why the Apocryphal books don’t belong in the inspired canon of Scripture.
Two Questions: Who Died on the Cross? Thee or You?
Some, in leading prayer at the communion table, will refer to God’s death. Is this appropriate? Some allege that it reflects “more reverence” to use “thee” and “thou” in prayer, rather than the terms “you” and “your.” Is there validity in this observation?
What About the Sins of Bible Heroes?
How does the sincere Bible student explain the terrible sins of some of its greatest heroes?
Have You Considered The Consequences Of Sin?
The phenomenon of “sin” has wrought a terrible harvest upon this earth. Consider this matter with us.
The Erosion of Marriage
America is undergoing a serious erosion of one of the most sacred institutions of humanity—that of marriage. Such will continue to eat away at the very vitals of human existence.
The Tragedy of Racism
Many have been racist out of ignorance or weakness. Others, with a more ingrained disposition, have sought to defend it.
The Case of Eutychus
The case of Eutychus in Acts chapter 20 is a testament to the authenticity of the Christian religion and an assurance that death is not the end of existence.
Created in the Image of God
As a potter fashions clay into a vessel, the book of Genesis affirms that mankind was “created” in the very image of God. He is not the product of an ancient slime pit.
The Plague of Profanity
The saying “curse like a sailor” no longer has any meaning. Profanity has become so common, the saying might as well be, “curse like a housewife.”
The Age of Insensitivity
Apathy grips our national conscience.
The Pentateuch: The Cornerstone of Scripture
The first five books of the Old Testament are invaluable for the serious Bible student – in many different ways. Jason Jackson discusses these magnificent documents.
The Language of God
Dr. Francis Collins, a notable scientist specializing in the mapping of genes, has produced a new book, The Language of God. The following is a brief review of this work.
The Art of Writing
Bible critics do all within their power to discredit the validity of the sacred text. Years ago, the claim was made that the Scriptures are in error in their claims that “writing” was common in the days of Moses. Those charges have long since vanished. Consider this brief study with us.
The Dangers of Youthful Exuberance
The apostle Paul taught Timothy how to conduct himself as a young gospel preacher—advice sorely needed today and in every generation.
The Agony of Gethsemane
As Jesus prayed on the mount of Olives, “his sweat became as it were great drops of blood falling down upon the ground” (Lk. 22:44). Did blood actually come from the Lord’s skin, or is the language merely a figure of speech emphasizing the Savior’s agony?
The Character of Atheism
Someone has said that you can tell something of the character of a person by the heroes he has. There may be something to that. Atheism extols hypocrisy.
The Role of “Works” in God’s Plan of Redemption
Many sincere people labor under the illusion that “works” play no role whatever in Heaven’s plan of redemption? Is this a correct view? Actually, it is not. Study this theme with us in this week’s Penpoints article.
The Hope of Immortality
Man has ever entertained the hope that there is more to human existence that the experiences of earthly life. Even skeptics have a difficult time quenching this desire.
The Resurrection of the Human Body
There have always been those who found the concept of the bodily resurrection incredible.
The Drawing Power of God
The Bible teaches that God “draws” people to himself. But how does God draw people? There is much confusion in the religious community regarding this important issue.