Acts 13:2 – The Holy Spirit, A Person
This and numerous other New Testament verses establish the fact that the Holy Spirit is a divine Person.
Genesis 8:11 – Did the Dove Really Find an Olive Tree?
Is the account of Noah’s flood accurate? How, the critic wants to know, could the dove have plucked a fresh olive leaf from a tree that, a week earlier (Gen. 8:10), had been totally submerged in water?
1 John 2:18—Who Is the Antichrist?
Is the antichrist a character soon to be revealed on the stage of world events? Who is this person?
Help My Unbelief!
Once we cease struggling with our faith, and let it slide, we are headed down a slippery slope that may lead to eternal ruin. What a horrible thought to contemplate. Lord, I believe; but help me in my times of unbelief!
The Christian As a Sermon
A Christian life well-lived is a better sermon than what is only said.
Are Vegetarians Holier than Thou?
In recent years we have heard more and more about the so-called “animal rights” movement. This is but one of the by-products of the evolutionary philosophy which suggests that all of earth’s biological creatures share a common heritage.
I’m Looking for a “Friendly Church”
Why is it that some people say they just cannot seem to find a “friendly” church?
Will Christ Reign Forever?
Some New Testament passages indicate Christ’s reign will end at some point. Others indicate it will last forever. Is this a contradiction? Can these passages be reconciled?
2 Corinthians 2:6 – The Sufficient Punishment
The divinely prescribed method of church discipline is effective.
1 Timothy 4:14 – Timothy’s Gift and the Elders
Exactly how did Timothy receive spiritual gifts? Study this misunderstood passage with us.
John 3:8 – The Spirit Breathes
What is the correct interpretation of this widely misunderstood passage?
Misdirected Benevolence
Spiritual people will feel compassion for the poor. But do we always exercise wisdom in our efforts to help? Let us reflect upon some principles relative to assisting the needy.
Ezekiel 12:13 — The Blind Ruler
The prophet Ezekiel accurately prophesied the details of the capture of the king of Israel.
3 John 2 – Body and Soul
The Apostle John shows an obvious distinction between the body and the soul.
What Does the Bible Say About Ash Wednesday?
What is Lent and Ash Wednesday? Are these religious observances found in the Bible?
Galatians 1:23 – The Faith
The use of the definite article “the” in Paul’s discussion of “the faith” is significant.
2 Peter 1:8 – Conditional Salvation
Faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love are all qualities the apostle Peter identifies as qualifying one’s salvation.
Genesis 6:6 – Did God Repent?
Genesis 6:6 indicates that “it repented Jehovah that he had made man.” Does this mean that God regretted his creation?
Did Jesus Deceive His Brothers?
Bible critics frequently charge Jesus Christ with dishonesty in connection with an incident recorded in the Gospel of John (7:1ff). Study this matter with us.
Amos 5:21,22 – Vain Religion
Worship God — then live as you please — is the sentiment of legions. But what does God think of such attitudes?