Daniel’s Prophecy of Antiochus Epiphanes
Antiochus Epiphanes was a Greek tryant of the 2nd century B.C. He was a vicious enemy of the Jewish people, outlawing Judaism and descrating the sacred Hebrew temple. In an amazing display of prophetic revelation, Daniel the prophet, several centuries earlier, had detailed some of the exploits of this political monster. Jason Jackson discusses some of Daniel’s stunning predictions in this month’s Feature article.
A Study of Romans 14
Romans 14 is an intriguing piece of literature. Often misunderstood and frequently abused, it offers much instruction for the spiritually minded student.
The Divine View of Death
How does God, the Creator of human life, view death? Certainly not in the way many humans do. What does the Bible say about the matter?
The Doctrine of Open Theism
A Study of Divine Providence
Does God work in our lives today?
The Beasts of Revelation 13
The True Meaning of Grace
Grace is one of the most thrilling terms in scripture. It is a tragedy of no small magnitude that it is so perverted by the religious world. What does the Bible really teach about the amazing favor of God?
A Perversion of Biblical Faith
Valid faith is never passive. It becomes a redemptive quality only when it responds in implementing the will of Jehovah.
Paul’s Condemnation of Will-Worship
What is “will-worship”? Why did Paul, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, condemn it? Study carefully this article.
The Biblical Concept of Sleep
The concept of “sleep” is used in many ways in the Bible. A study of these usages yields many valuable lessons.
The Bible Doctrine of Sanctification
The term “sanctification” is used rather loosely in the community of “Christendom.” What does the Bible really teach about this important theme?
The Perfecting of Jesus Christ
A discussion of Hebrews 5:8-9.
The Unique Case of Cornelius
The conversion of Cornelius in Acts 10 contains valuable lessons for today.
The Burial of Christ’s Body
Why was Christ’s burial important in the scheme of redemption?
The Ethics of Human Cloning
How does one evaluate the ethics of the practice of human cloning?
The Folly of Extrapolating Analogy
Analogy is a legitimate method of reasoning. But it has its limitations. Unfortunately, many do not understand those limitations, hence abuse this form of logic.
God’s Providential Use of Nations
Every serious Bible student knows that God has moved in international affairs across the centuries. But does he do so still today? This brief article probes this question.
The Value of Human Suffering
In spite of our reluctance to admit it, pain and suffering has some value.
The Classification of Bible Commands
The commands found in the Bible may be classified in several ways to help our understanding.
Was Jehoshaphat King of Israel?
An explanation for an alleged contradiction concerning King Jehoshaphat