The Value of Life
Every life is a sacred gift from heaven intended to honor the Creator and prepare us for eternity.
The Paradox of Anxiety
Was Paul’s Theology Consistent on “Conversion”?
Those who teach that salvation is solely by faith, without further acts of obedience, have a difficult time reconciling Paul with himself. Study this matter with us.
On Radicalism and Making Reckless Accusations
It is time for a return to an era of fidelity that is seasoned with common sense and brotherly concern.
The Marks of Jesus
Paul once wrote that the “marks of Jesus” were on his body. Let us explore that marvelous phrase.
New Expository Dictionary of Bible Words
Stephen Renn’s new Expository Dictionary of Bible Words is now available. Read Wayne Jackson’s review of this new Bible study tool. It will be a welcomed addition to the serious Bible student’s library.
The Silence of Scripture: An Argument for Inspiration
What the Bible doesn’t tell us is an indication of its supernatural origin.
Did the Ancient Gentiles Have the Hope of Salvation?
God’s Plan of Salvation for His Lost Children
How can a fallen away Christian be restored to fellowship with Christ and his church?
The President, Adultery, and “Baptist Rules”
The dangerous and harmful effects of the false doctrine that a child of God cannot fall from grace
Does the Case of Cornelius Prove the “Sinner’s Prayer” Doctrine?
Does God grant pardon to the “alien sinner” by means of prayer? Some suggest that the case of Cornelius (Acts 10) supplies an affirmative answer. This week’s question explores this issue.
A Tale of Two Cities
Why are some receptive to the gospel, and others so hostile? A case study of two groups may help to clarify the problem.
Paul’s “Mother”
So many noble women have served in the kingdom of Christ. They do not fully comprehend their contribution to the Lord’s servants and to his cause.
S. D. Gordon’s “Dispensationalism”
Was the death of Jesus Christ a part of God’s eternal plan for human salvation? Amazingly, some have contended it was not—contrary to the explicit testimony of Peter (see 1 Peter 1:19-20).
Do I Need to Be Re-baptized?
Should anyone ever be re-baptized? Some say no. But what do the scriptures say?
The Holy Scriptures—Indestructible
The Bible has survived the vicious attacks throughout its existence and continues to be the best-selling publication in the world.
Advice to Aspiring Writers
Some friendly advice to aspiring Christian writers from a man of experience.
Can a Christian Walk Away from God?
Many believe that a Christian can never be lost. But what does the Bible say?
The Weekly Observance of the Lord’s Supper
Does the New Testament authorize the observance of each-Sunday communion? Is communion restricted to Sunday?
Are the Narratives of Paul’s Conversion Repetitious and Contradictory?
A critic asserts that the three different records of Paul’s conversion, as recorded in the book of Acts, are irrelevantly repetitious and even contradictory? Does the charge really hold up? Consider this matter with us.