Does 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 Constitute a Binding Pattern?
Some attempt to argue that Christians are not commanded to give a weekly contribution based on 1 Corinthians 16:1-2.
Do the Dead Observe Earth’s Activities?
Are dead people able to view the activities of their loved ones who are still alive?
The Enigmatic William Barclay
William Barclay was a popular Scottish theologian who died in 1978. His books are immensely popular. But Barclay was a “mystery.” He was modernistic in many of his views; yet extremely instructive in other ways. Read this discussion regarding a hurtful, but helpful, scholar.
Is Evidence Needed For Faith?
Is there a valid connection between evidence and faith? Or is “faith” a wispy, feel-good emotion that simply “leaps” into the dark, and believes based upon a sort of “holy hunch”?
The Gwen Shamblin Controversy
This article discusses the recent controversy concerning noted weight-loss expert, Gwen Shamblin.
A Rose Is a Rose; Or Is It?
One dirty little trick used to confuse sincere people about the purpose of baptism.
Jesus Christ: Church Inspector
Jesus noted both desirable and undesirable traits of the seven churches of Asia in the opening chapters of Revelation. His observations can be of supreme value today to those who desire to please Christ.
Some Final Words from Paul
The apostles Paul’s final epistle to Timothy, contains a passage that is so brimming with meaning that it scarcely can be exhausted. Study it with us.
The Left Behind Series
This is a review of the Left Behind book series by Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye, which advocates dispensational premillennialism.
Apostasy: A Clear and Ever-Present Danger
The Baha’i Movement
One of the rapidly growing religious movements today is the Baha’i group. What is the Baha’i movement? Is it biblical? Is it a true religion?
About This Web Site
Spiritual Warfare Is Real, Difficult, and Dangerous
The devil is after us. He wants us to join him in hell’s fire. In Ephesians 6:12-18, the apostle Paul pleads with Christians to take the devil’s malicious plans seriously. He calls upon us to appropriate the only available means to stand against the wiles of Satan — the whole armor of God. Such will make us strong in the Lord.
What About Salvation in ‘Hard Cases’?
A recent news item highlighted a case where an inmate was refused the privilege of being immersed for the remission of his sins. A chorus of sectarian voices argued that “hard cases” like this negate the belief that baptism is a necessary condition for salvation. Is this quibble valid?
Who Were the Nephilim?
This article addresses the identity of the Nephilim mentioned in Genesis 6:4.
LDS Baptism Annulled Due to Protest from Jews
A recent news item regarding the Mormon doctrine of “proxy baptism” highlights the inconsistencies of the practice and is the subject of this week’s Penpoints.
Why Racists Hate Christianity
Christianity is viewed by promoters of hate and bigotry as an obstacle. Atheism, however, is not.
Thinking Straight About Abortion
This essay discusses the illogical positions that many argue with reference to aborition.
Jehovah’s “Messenger” – An Amazing Prophecy
In the final book of the Old Testament there is a stunning prophecy that deals with the mission of John the Baptizer and the Lord Jesus—who was the object of John’s preparatory work. A study of this text pays rich dividends.
Church Controversies
While there certainly are times when a preacher, teacher or church must be publicly censured, there are many cases where problems are dealt with in a less than expedient manner—and far too often with an ugly spirit of division. What are some principles that should guide our reaction to such controversial events?