Is Jesus Jehovah?
While some modern day religionists deny the eternal deity of Jesus Christ, the Bible teaches differently. One example of such a conflict is the Watchtower organization’s denial that Jesus is Jehovah.
Jesus and Jehovah
While some modern day religionists deny the eternal deity of Jesus Christ, the Bible teaches differently. One example of such a conflict is the Watchtower organization’s denial that Jesus is Jehovah.
On January 31, 2000, we reported in an article titled Another Fossil Flub about the embarrassing admission National Geographic posted on their web site, January 24, 2000. Now, we learn there was more than just an accidental mix up.
Were the King James Version Translators Biased Toward the “Faith-Only” Doctrine?
This question discusses whether or not the translators of the King James Version had some bias toward the protestant dogma of “faith-only.”
The BBC’s Theory on the Biblical Plagues
England’s most famous broadcasting facility, the BBC, has just released a TV special which attempts to explain the biblical plagues (visited upon Egypt in the days of Moses) as nothing more than a series of purely natural events. But will that analysis stand the test of critical examination? See for yourself.
Acts 1:16 – Scripture Inspiration
Peter’s recognition of fulfilled prophecies in Acts chapter 1 affirms the inspiration of Scripture.
Creationism in Our Schools
A study of brotherhood educational institutions regarding creation reveals startling deficiencies.
The Christian Courier
For more than forty years Wayne Jackson served as editor of the Christian Courier. In this brief article, he provides a brief history of how this effort was born.
Is Baptism a Gospel Obligation?
Some religious leaders deny that water baptism is an essential component in God’s plan for human redemption. Frequently, 1 Corinthians 1:17 is employed to argue this point. What is the truth regarding this matter?
Was Jesus Immersed in the Jordan River?
Was Jesus Christ “immersed” in the Jordan River, or did John merely pour water upon the Lord’s head? Some scholars have attempted to argue that the case for Jesus’ “immersion” cannot be proved. But what does the evidence actually reveal?
Help Me, Doctor!
Perhaps the most amazing thing about this procedure is the floodlight it casts upon the “person” inside the womb.
Praying for the Dead
In times of great crisis, people cry out to God in prayer. While this is understandable, prayers for the dead are both futile, and contrary to biblical truth.
What About that Two-Stage Miracle?
Some have charged that one of Jesus’ miracles was incomplete on the Lord’s first “attempt,” and that such reflected upon his power. What is to be said in response to this charge?
More Controversy at ACU
This article discusses the recent controversy at Abilene Christian University regarding the Boy Scouts and the homosexual movement.
Solomon’s Basin and “Pi” — A Bible Error?
Does the Bible contain a mathematical error relative to the dimensions of Solomon’s temple basin? Critics so claim, but what are the actual facts?
Elder Qualifications: What About His Adult Children?
Must an elder resign from office if his adult child defects from the faith?
Sincere but Wrong—Dead Wrong
John Wayne “Punkin” Brown Jr. was a preacher for a Pentecostal-type church. He’s now dead. He still would be alive but for the fact that he believed false doctrine.
What Does “Makes Her an Adulteress” Mean?
Whenever folks discuss Christ’s restrictions on marriage and divorce, this question frequently arises. What is the meaning of the phrase “makes her an adulteress” in Matthew 5:32? Wayne Jackson answers this question.
Changing Attitudes Concerning Abortion
Americans’ views on abortion seem to be shifting, according to recent polling data.
Please Explain 1 Timothy 5:24-25
A puzzling passage that contains great wisdom for church leadership.