The Authenticity of the New Testament Documents
Are the twenty-seven books of the New Testament genuine history, or merely the reflections of ancient mythology?
1 Kings 12 — The Sin of Jeroboam
What was the sin of Jeroboam? Unauthorized innovation — still a problem to this day.
2 John 8 – The Reward of Labor
There is a type of work that is incorporated into the plan of redemption. Join us in the study of the apostle John’s reference to such work.
What Is the Meaning of, “Destruction of the Flesh,” in 1 Corinthians 5:5?
What is the meaning of the phrase, “the destruction of the flesh,” in 1 Corinthians 5:5? Did it sanction the use of capital punishment in the church for immoral and/or heretical people?
What Was the Book of Jashar?
What is the mysterious “Book of Jashar” referenced in the Old Testament?
Archaeology and the Book of Jeremiah
The science of archaeology has provided a tremendous depository of evidence that undergirds the historical accuracy of the Holy Scriptures. One example of this involves a number of significant discoveries that corroborate the accuracy of the book of Jeremiah.
The Rescue of Christ — So-Called
A recently-published book, Rescuing Jesus from the Christians, seeks to throw the spotlight on some of the alleged “errors” in the beliefs and teaching of Jesus Christ. The fact is, Clayton Sullivan, the author, has revealed how very little he knows about Gospel history. Wayne Jackson briefly reviews this new volume.
The Two “Beasts” of Revelation 13
In Revelation 13, John sees a vision of two beasts—one arising from the sea, another from the earth. What do these images represent?
What Is the Baptism of Fire?
What is the “baptism of fire” mentioned in Matthew 3:11?
The New Frontier of Organ Transplants
Organ transplants have been around for several years and lives have been saved as a result. But a new medical era has now been entered — that of non-vital organ transplantation. Such a procedure needs serious thought.
The Growing Phenomenon of Home Education
There is an exploding educational phenomenon in America. It is the accelerating practice of homeschooling. Some charge that homeschooled kids suffer from inadequate socialization. A new study disputes this allegation.
The Separation of Paul and Barnabas
The seemingly tragic separation of Paul and Barnabas is well known to serious Bible students. What was the cause of this breach of work-association? Who was to blame? What might the Christian learn from this episode? Study this case with us.
Obadiah 1 – The Doom of Edom
A knowledge of the history behind any passage of Scripture is helpful. It is especially true of the book of Obadiah.
The Textual Basis of the Bible
It is a misguided endeavor to contend that the KJV is the only reliable translation available today, or even that it is the best one.
Did Christ Literally Bear Our Sins on the Cross?
Did Jesus literally become a sinner on the cross? Or did he merely suffer the penalty for sin that we justly deserved?
The Qur’an and the Death of Christ
The Islamic repudiation of the death of Christ is grounded in an aversion to the biblical doctrine of the Lord’s vicarious death to atone for sin. The Islamic system strikes at the very heart of the Gospel. It is hostile to the Christian faith.
The Miraculous and the Origin of Christianity
There is a vast contrast between the events associated with the beginning of Christianity, and the origins of other world religions. This brief article takes note of a major contrast between the religion founded by Christ and other systems of world religion.
Evaluating Evolution in Plain English
Many people believe that the dogma of organic evolution is as firmly established as the sphericity of the earth. But is it? Jason Jackson pulls the reputed “pillars” of this theory out from under it, and the doctrine crumbles under the weight of its own ill-conceived assertions.
Bertrand Russell and Christianity, Part 1
Part 1 in a two-part series on Bertrand Russell’s reasons why he rejected Christianity
What About John’s “Ridiculous” Statement?
Is there a reasonable explanation for John’s statement that the deeds of Christ could not fit into all of the world’s books (Jn. 21:25)?