A Survey of Interbiblical History
Between the end of the Old Testament era, and the commencement of the New Testament period, four centuries passed. During these times important events transpired that impacted the commencement of Christianity. Every Bible student should familiarize himself with this history.
Where Did the Bible Come From?
Does the Bible have the fingerprints of God within its pages?
What Is Worldliness?
The term “worldly” is not uncommon in our language. But what does the word really signify?
Elijah, Prophet of Confrontation
Elijah was one of the great prophets of Old Testament history. Like all of us, he was a man of mixed qualities. Overall, he contributed significantly to the unfolding of Heaven’s plan of redemption.
What Does Isaiah Mean When He Says the Wolf Will Lie Down With the Lamb?
Will wolves literally lie down with lambs? What does Isaiah’s prophecies mean?
Who Is a Christian?
The appellation of “Christian” is widely used as a category of people. But who, in fact, is (and who is not) a Christian?
Are Infants by Nature Children of Wrath?
Does the Bible say that little babies are by nature born in sin?
Who Were the Nephilim?
This article addresses the identity of the Nephilim mentioned in Genesis 6:4.
Jesus, A Man of Prayer
We have much to learn about prayer from Jesus. His prayers are models both in what to pray for and when to pray.
What is the difference between Bible dispensations and the doctrine of dispensationalism?
Some preachers talk about the dispensations of the Bible. Then they condemn dispensationalism. What’s the difference?
Mark 7:19 – Unclean Meats
Many religionists still hold that there are unclean meats that should not be eaten. What does the New Testament teach?
What About the Great Tribulation of Matthew 24:21?
Do the signs of Matthew 24:3ff pertain to the impending destruction of Jerusalem, or do they depict conditions near the end of time? Some allege that Matthew 24:21 prohibits an interpretation that focuses upon Jerusalem’s destruction in A.D. 70. Wayne Jackson responds to this objection.
Does Luke 17:31ff Predict the Destruction of Jerusalem?
Luke 17:31ff has been a confusing text to some Bible students. Does this section of Scripture refer to the destruction of Jerusalem (A.D. 70), or to the final Coming of Christ? This context is examined in this week’s Q&A segment.
Who Are the 144,000 of Revelation 7 and 14?
The “Jehovah’s Witnesses” teach that only 144, 000 people will gain heaven. They base their doctrine upon passages that are found in the book of Revelation (chapters 7 & 14). Who are the 144, 000 mentioned in these texts? Is the number literal or figurative? Study this article.
Book Review: Spicq’s Theological Lexicon of the New Testament
Books are a minister’s treasure. Here’s a review of a magnificent three-volume set, Spicq’s Theological Lexicon of the New Testament. We recommend this work very highly.
What Is the Meaning of “Shortly Come to Pass”?
Does this key phrase from Revelation 1:1 mean that John’s prophecies would all be fulfilled within a short time span?
What Is the Meaning of “Pluck Out Your Eye”?
Did Jesus literally say we should pluck out our eye if it offends us?
Philippians 2:6 – Existing in the Form of God
Did Jesus Christ lay aside His deity when He became human?
Zephaniah 1:7 – The Day of Jehovah Is Near
This passage is a clear illustration of the fact that time, in biblical prophecy, is relative.
Micah 1:1 – The Doom of Samaria and Jerusalem
Study the historical background of the Old Testament book of Micah, prophet of God.