The Emerging Church Movement—The New Face of Heresy
Does the Bible Condemn the Use of All Drugs?
Does Paul’s condemnation of sorcery include prescription drugs?
2 Chronicles 4:5 – The Capacity of the Laver
Unbelievers think they have discovered a discrepancy in 2 Chronicles 4:5. Yet, there is no provable error here.
Alexander the Great: An Amazing Example of Prophecy and Providence
The prophecies of Alexander the Great’s victories over various nations and the subsequent providential fulfillment are an interesting study of God’s control of national events.
Robert G. Ingersoll: Apostle of Infidelity, Robber of Hope
A profile of Robert G. Ingersoll — a rabid enemy of the Bible, who at times had difficulty suppressing a longing for an eternal hope.
What Is the Meaning of “Not under Bondage” (1 Cor. 7:15)?
In 1 Corinthians 7:15, Paul affirms that if an unbelieving mate abandons his Christian companion the Christian is “not under bondage.” Some allege that this provides an additional cause for divorce — other than fornication (Mt. 5:32; 19:9). But is there real evidence for this position?
The Baptist Church: An Historical Perspective
I grew up among kindly people of the Baptist affiliation. My father’s family was of this persuasion. A more gracious, benevolent group of folks could scarcely have been found. It was heartbreaking, therefore, to eventually discover that the church of my ancestry was unknown to the New Testament.
1 John 2:18—Who Is the Antichrist?
Is the antichrist a character soon to be revealed on the stage of world events? Who is this person?
Were Paul’s Writings Influenced By Culture?
Many dismiss the authority of Paul as an apostle by accusing him of injecting cultural norms of the first century into his instructions to the churches? Is this a legitimate argument against his apostolic authority?
For the Joy that Lay before Him
Hebrews 12:1-2 sets forth the wonderful example of Christ to encourage us as we strive to “run the race.” May we ever follow in his path.
Genesis 6:1 – The Nephilim
Genesis chapter 6 states that on the pre-Flood earth there existed “mighty men” called the “Nephilim.” Who were these people? Wayne Jackson explores this intriguing subject.
Conversions in Acts
There is much confusion in the community of “Christendom” as to what constitutes “conversion.” There need not be. A collective consideration of those cases in the book of Acts wonderfully clarifies the matter. Study this theme with us.
Revelation 6:9-11 – Are the Dead Ones’ Souls Sleeping?
What happens to the “soul” at the point of death? Is it conscious, or does it exist in a state of “sleep,” totally oblivious to its environment?
What Is the Purpose of Bible Genealogies?
Why are all those lists of names in the Bible?
The Sea of Galilee: A Silent Witness
Why does the sea of Galilee’s reputation far exceed its material qualities?
Did Christ Abolish the Law of Moses?
Did Jesus say that the law of Moses including Sabbath observance would last until the end of the world?
Islam and the Deity of Jesus Christ
Moslems insist that Jesus Christ was merely a “messenger” of God, in the same sense that others (e.g., Moses) were but prophets. They deny that he possessed the nature of deity, or that he even claimed to be the “Son of God.” But what does the actual evidence reveal?
A Skeptic Disputes the Resurrection of Christ
A former college professor has recently disputed the historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ. His comments are a good example of the weakness of skepticism’s case. In this article, Wayne Jackson reviews his assertions.
What Is the History of Infant Sprinkling?
When did the practice of infant sprinkling originate? Was it an apostolic practice? Or did it develop later? Let us look at the historical facts.
Patricia Ireland on the Teaching of Jesus
During a recent television interview, in a desperate attempt to suggest that true Christian teaching is not adverse to homosexuality, Patricia Ireland argued that Jesus “never mentioned homosexuality.” The implication clearly was that Christ would have condemned this lifestyle explicitly, had he disapproved of it.