Nahum 1:1 – The End of Nineveh
Discover the historical background behind the Old Testament prophecy of Nahum.
1 Peter 1:3,4 – The Heavenly Hope
Where is the hope of the righteous to be eternally realized — on earth or in heaven? The Bible’s answer is very clear.
2 John 8 – The Reward of Labor
There is a type of work that is incorporated into the plan of redemption. Join us in the study of the apostle John’s reference to such work.
What About the Baptism of Young Children?
How old should a child be before he is allowed to be baptized? Are we immersing some who are too young? What are some of the guidelines by which responsible decisions can be made?
Romans 1:27 — The Consequences of Perversion
The “due recompense” which the apostle Paul spoke of regarding sexual perversion is chillingly evident in the world today, as it was even in Old Testament times.
1 Peter 3:4 — The Incorruptible Spirit
The Scriptures teach that human beings have a spirit/soul that is capable of suffering everlasting punishment.
The Continuing Search for Man’s “Fossil” Ancestor
When you read of another new discovery relative to man’s “apeish” ancestors, file it away; within a few months or years, the story will be different!
Hebrews 1:4 – Better Than the Angels
The context of this passage makes it perfectly plain that the Lord Jesus is not of the angel class.
1 Samuel 1:1 – Elkanah, the Ephraimite
The Old Testament identifies the father of Samuel the prophet as both a Levite and an Ephraimite. How can this be? Did the Old Testament writers make a mistake? Not hardly. Below is one possible explanation for the seeming conflict.
How Many Prophecies Are in the Bible?
Has anyone counted the number of prophecies in the Bible?
2 John 6 – The Nature of Love
There are three characteristics of love evident in the Apostle John’s inspired statement.
Is the Law of Moses (Torah) Still Binding?
Is the law of Moses still binding, or was it abolished by the death of Christ? Paul contends for the latter; some apparently dispute with him. Let us look at the evidence.
What Do You Know About the Holy Spirit?
A golden lamp stand with seven lights was placed in the ancient tabernacle of Jehovah. In the book of Revelation, we find the “seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God” (Rev. 4:5)—the number seven symbolizing the perfect Spirit of God. What do you know about the Holy Spirit?
An Amazing Prophecy in the Book of Daniel
The book of Daniel stands as powerful evidence for the genuineness of Bible prophecy. It thus is a convincing demonstration of the divine origin of the Scriptures.
The English Standard Version and Micah 5:2
Did the ESV translate Micah 5:2 in the best possible fashion? There is some controversy about this matter; study the issue with us.
A Breathtaking View of the Love of Christ
Because of his overflowing love for humanity, could it be that Jesus chose to forever be identified with us in some way?
What About the Multiple Accounts of Paul’s Conversion?
A critical charge that supposedly nullifies the harmony of the book of Acts is the fact that there are differences in the three accounts of Paul’s conversion. Let us examine this alleged problem.
Zechariah’s Amazing Prophecy of the Betrayal of Christ
Bible prophecy is one of the most powerful evidences of the divine origin of the Scriptures. Here is a truly remarkable prophecy from the book of Zechariah.
The Ascension of Christ: A Most Significant Event
While the resurrection of Christ is generally recognized as the foundation of Christianity, his ascension is equally significant.
The Current Perversion of John 8:1-11
“He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.” If there is one verse most folks have memorized, it is this one. But what does it really mean?