Luke and the Old Testament
Though the New Testament writer Luke was a Gentile, surprisingly his Gospel account reveals a significant knowledge of the Old Testament scriptures. Reflect upon this fact with us.
The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus
The conversion of the persecutor, Saul of Tarsus, is one of the most significant events in the book of Acts. Tragically, the theme is frequently misunderstood. Study this case history with us.
The Google “Gag” Order retaliates against the Christian Courier’s “The Progressively Aggressive ’Gay’Movement” article. No better example of aggressive behavior could be cited.
THE GOLDEN TEXT: A Study of John 3:16
John 3:16 is often called the “golden text” of the Bible. Many hold this passage very dear. Tragically, the text is more often than not misunderstood. In this study, we take a close look at this amazing passage.
Denomination Claims Biblical Worship
A failure to understand the real distinction between the Old and New Covenants underlies a host of religious errors.
Jehovah’s “Messenger” – An Amazing Prophecy
In the final book of the Old Testament there is a stunning prophecy that deals with the mission of John the Baptizer and the Lord Jesus—who was the object of John’s preparatory work. A study of this text pays rich dividends.
3 John 2 – Body and Soul
The Apostle John shows an obvious distinction between the body and the soul.
The Tragedy of Pontius Pilate
Pontius Pilate, governor of Judea who presided at the trial of Jesus, was truly a tragic character. Yet, he was providentially used by God to establish the innocence of Christ. Wayne Jackson takes a look at Pilate in this week’s Penpoints.
Was Jesus the “Suffering Servant” of Isaiah 53?
Was Jesus of Nazareth the “suffering servant” of whom the prophet Isaiah spoke in Chapter 53 of his book? The modern Jews says, “No.” Rather, it frequently is argued that the Jewish people in general are in view. What are the facts of this matter?
How Ought We to Behave? A Response to Socrates
How amazing it is that the deep and manifold longings of the antique pagan world were so wonderfully satisfied in the advent of God’s Messiah.
New Gambling Studies Highlight Age-old Problem
A recent study reveals the destruction caused by gambling.
Jesus and Laughter
An atheist’s laughable attempt to criticize the Lord’s teaching is exposed.
Behold the Dreamer — More Psychojunk
A recent writer sought to “analyze” Joseph, and has given us one more example of “science” gone askew.
Should “Weak” Christians Be Disfellowshipped?
Should Christians who are merely “weak” be subject to the disfellowship process?
Is It Wrong to Be Cruel to Animals?
Is animal life sacred? Is it wrong to be cruel to animals?
What Is the Morning Star of Revelation 2:28?
What is the “morning star” promised to the faithful who overcome?
Straight Talk About Homosexuality
Homosexuality is not the fun and free lifestyle that the media images we see everyday portray. It is a destructive and damnable pattern of behavior that is characterized as sinful rebellion against our Creator. But it can be overcome.
The Abuse of Love
Love is a fantastic emotion, from both divine and human vantage points. But it can be abused—and frequently is.
A Brief Study of the Word “Kingdom”
Biblical words may have varying senses, depending upon the context in which they are found. A brief study of the term “kingdom” is a good illustration of this principle.
Church Controversies
While there certainly are times when a preacher, teacher or church must be publicly censured, there are many cases where problems are dealt with in a less than expedient manner—and far too often with an ugly spirit of division. What are some principles that should guide our reaction to such controversial events?