What Is Rastafarianism? Who Was Bob Marley?
What is the religion called Rastafarianism? How was Jamaican entertainer Bob Marley connected with this movement?
How Can I Be a Better Bible Student?
People frequently want to know how to be better students of God’s word. In this article, Wayne Jackson provides some very practical suggestions.
Scholastic Subterfuge
When the plan of salvation is so easy to understand, why do some go to such great lengths to obscure it?
Do We Have a Choice About Salvation?
Throughout God’s word, the responsibility of mankind to make a choice between serving God and Satan is clearly set forth.
A Rose Is a Rose; Or Is It?
One dirty little trick used to confuse sincere people about the purpose of baptism.
Teaching Youth the Work Ethic
In a time when economic conditions are easier than when our parents lived, youngsters still need to be taught a solid work ethic. Reflect upon this issue with us.
Daniel’s Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks
Biblical scholars have catalogued more than three hundred amazing prophecies that find precise fulfillment in the life and labor of the Son of God. One of these predictive declarations is found in Daniel 9:24-27, commonly referred to as the prophecy of “Daniel’s Seventy Weeks.”
Calvinism and the Great Commission
There is a terrible conflict between Christ’s “Great Commission” and the Calvinistic dogma of predestination. It has not been unnoticed even by the disciples of the Swiss reformer.
Another Voice from the Tomb
The recent discovery of an ossuary (bone box) in Jerusalem, which mentions the name “Jesus,” has been hailed as the first extra-biblical archaeological discovery relating to Christ. But is it? An earlier discovery, in 1945, also contained a reference to Jesus. This article cites that evidence.
Are You Homophobic?
The “Gay community” is “in your face” these days, foisting their agenda of perversion upon a largely unsuspecting society. Progressively downward we seem to spiral, toward an abyss of amoral corruption. In this week’s Penpoints, Jason Jackson responds to the oft-repeated charge of “homophobia.”
What Is the Meaning of “Corban”?
What did Jesus mean in Mark 7:11-12 when he condemned the Pharisees’ practice of “Corban”?
Matthew’s Account of the Virgin Birth
Matthew records eleven arguments establishing the virgin birth of Christ — an important doctrine related to Jesus’ divine nature.
Does the Requirement of Baptism Compromise the Immutability of God?
Does the fact that God did not require water baptism for the remission of sins under the Mosaic system indicate that baptism must not be obligatory under the New Covenant? Does this compromise the Lord’s “immutability”? Study the question with us.
Did Jesus Promise to Send the Comforter to Me?
Do Christians today receive the Comforter as promised by Christ in the gospel of John?
The Holy Scriptures—Indestructible
The Bible has survived the vicious attacks throughout its existence and continues to be the best-selling publication in the world.
Logic and the Plan of Salvation
Every one uses the principles of “logic,” whether aware of it or not. Humans cannot function with some logical skill. When it comes to religion, however, many fling “logic” to the wind. No where is this more apparent that in considering the plan of divine salvation.
Elijah, Prophet of Confrontation
Elijah was one of the great prophets of Old Testament history. Like all of us, he was a man of mixed qualities. Overall, he contributed significantly to the unfolding of Heaven’s plan of redemption.
The Vision of Obadiah
Obadiah is the shortest Old Testament book. This small book has, amazingly and providentially, survived more than 2500 years, and while it contains a message of judgment for an ancient neighbor of Israel, it has many relevant messages for us today.
Liberalism’s Manipulation of Scripture
Theological “liberalism” has no regard for the plain testimony of Scripture. With the “liberal,” all biblical events must be measured in the light of “modern” knowledge. In this week’s Penpoints, Wayne Jackson provides a shocking example of this kind of perversion of Bible history.
The Value of Life
Every life is a sacred gift from heaven intended to honor the Creator and prepare us for eternity.