Why People Quit Church
Why do people say they have decided to quit the church?
My Husband Is a Snake
When people refuse to accept the true God, they can resort to the worship of most anything in an effort to satisfy their spiritual instinct. Read of one such bizarre case that recently attracted public attention.
Dignity Without Ostentation
Does it matter how you dress? Should dress be appropriate to the occasion? Most in society feel that it should—within reason. Let’s talk about this for a moment.
More Controversy at ACU
This article discusses the recent controversy at Abilene Christian University regarding the Boy Scouts and the homosexual movement.
Please Explain 1 Timothy 5:24-25
A puzzling passage that contains great wisdom for church leadership.
A Profile in Christian Courage
John F. Kennedy authored a popular book, Profiles In Courage. The New Testament contains its own profiles in courage. In this Penpoint, Jason Jackson discusses the courageous tone of Paul’s second letter to Timothy.
Why Were Humans Created?
A university student is bothered with questions as to why human beings were created. Did the creation reveal a “need” on the part of deity? Join us for a discussion of this question.
When Christ Withdraws His Fellowship
This article discusses the meaning of Matthew 18:20 in its immediate context.
Why Did God Make Mosquitoes?
Is the mosquito a legitimate example of a “silly” creation?
Foolish Reasons for Getting Married
Marriage is an “until-death-do-us-part” commitment. It ought to be approached from a joyous, yet cautiously-solemn, vantage point. Marriage should be embraced for wise reasons, not foolish ones.
Have You Been Called by God?
Many speak of being “called” by God. From the biblical perspective, how is this accomplished? In this week’s Question and Answer session, Jason Jackson addresses this inquiry.
A Rabbi Argues with Jesus—and Loses!
The “Rabbi” imagines meeting Jesus face-to-face on a dusty road in Galilee nearly two thousand years ago.
Paul’s Passion for Needy Brethren
Paul’s passion for the needy saints of Jerusalem is a concern reflected several times in the New Testament documents. These texts contain interesting facts/lessons worthy of study and application.
Galatians 2:11 — A Confrontation with Peter
Consider these two points gleaned from Paul’s confrontation with the apostle Peter.
God’s Care For His People
Some interesting facts that illustrate God’s special care and concern for his people.
Tick, tick, tick....
Time! How precious it is. But “time” is not a comodity to be teased, flirted with, or ignored. Time is a hard task-master! Respect it.
Never Man So Spoke
What made Jesus the greatest teacher of all time? Wayne Jackson discusses the unique and profound way Jesus Christ spoke and taught, emphasizing his divine authority, wisdom, and the enduring impact of his words.
1 Timothy 2:4 — Salvation through Knowledge
This striking passage clarifies the connection between one’s knowledge of the truth and his salvation.
1 Kings 4:21 – Solomon’s Kingdom
Premillenialists, desperately clinging to the notion that the “land promise” to the Israelites is yet unfulfilled, disregard clear Bible testimony.
Ignore this Lesson and You’re History!
It is unfortunate that so many think they can trifle with the Creator of the Universe and not be held accountable. What a tragic mistake this is.