What Role Does Childbearing Play in Woman’s Salvation?
What was Paul’s meaning when he affirmed that woman could be saved through her child-bearing (1 Timothy 2:15)?
A Rose Is a Rose; Or Is It?
One dirty little trick used to confuse sincere people about the purpose of baptism.
Why Couldn’t Jesus Perform Miracles in His Hometown?
When Jesus came to Nazareth, Mark says at that time, “And he could there do no mighty work” (Mark 6:5). If Jesus was truly the Son of God, why does it say he could not perform miracles in his hometown?
Should a Christian Marry Outside the Faith?
This discussion addresses whether or not a Christian should marry “out of the faith.”
Aid or Addition — What Is the Difference?
If the church sings to the accompaniment of an organ, those thus participating have added something to what the Lord prescribed.
Neale Walsch: A New Guru for the Gullible
Neale Walsch is but another oddity in the modern “Ripley’s Museum” of religious freaks.
A Critical Look at Situation Ethics
How do you determine what is right and wrong?
What Was that “Light” before the Sun (Genesis 1:3)?
Is the Bible incorrect in referring to the existence of “light” before the creation of the sun? What was that mysterious “light” on the first day of Earth’s history?
Did All Christians in the First Century Possess Miraculous Gifts?
Did every Christian in the first century receive the gift of performing miracles?
Why Do People Refuse to Come to Jesus?
Jesus once proclaimed, “You refuse to come to me that you may have life” (Jn. 5:40). Why do some people refuse to come to Jesus?
What Is the Answer to the “Green Tree” Riddle?
On his way to Golgotha, Christ addressed a group of Jerusalem’s weeping women, and asked: “For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?” What is the meaning of this mysterious “green tree” saying?
Were the Pharisees Able to Exorcise Demons?
Christ and his apostles were able to “cast out demons” to demonstrate the power of God. Were the Pharisees able to accomplish the same feat? Study this question with us.
Radical Criticism and “Christian” Education
What is “radical criticism” and how has this philosophy affected “Christian” colleges and universities? This theme is addressed in this week’s Penpoints.
Did God Ask Moses To Be Deceitful?
Critics of the Bible sometimes claim that God once asked Moses to act in a deceitful way when dealing with Pharaoh. Is this accusation fair?
Electronic Church
There are Bible commands and principles that obligate us to “come together” when we are able to do so, and no “flip of a switch” can satisfy those demands upon able-bodied people.
DISgrace Institute: A Religious Disconnect
When it comes to religion, some folks have a real “disconnect.” By that I mean they are strong in arguing for a particular doctrinal platform, but they see no relationship between their theological peculiarities and their conduct of life.
Television and Your Children
Do we realize the impact that television is having on our children? Can we fathom how the character of television is changing right before our eyes? Reflect on these questions in this week’s Penpoints article.
May Christian Women Teach Christian Boys?
May Christian women teach a Bible class in which some of her students may be young boys who have become Christians? Some strongly object to this. But is the objection valid? This article addresses this sensitive topic.
The Earth: A Planet Plagued with “Evil”
Though the earth was once a paradise, it is now a planet plagued with “evil.” Why are there so many problems within our earthly environment? Study this challenging issue with us in this month’s Feature article.
When Goodness Is as the Morning Dew
The prophet Hosea described ancient Israel’s goodness as like the morning dew. What did he mean by this strange analogy?