The Record Buried in Coal
Why coal is a bad witness in the case for evolution.
Jesus Christ: Myth or Genuine History?
Bible critics charge that if Jesus Christ was a real historical character, there ought to be more in the Roman secular records about him. What may be said in response to this allegation?
On January 31, 2000, we reported in an article titled Another Fossil Flub about the embarrassing admission National Geographic posted on their web site, January 24, 2000. Now, we learn there was more than just an accidental mix up.
An Invitation to a Wayward People
What will it take for a wayward nation to repent? Perhaps this lesson from ancient Israel is a helpful reminder.
What About the “Textus Receptus”?
Some today urge that the King James Version of the Bible is the very best available, because it was based upon the “Textus Receptus” Greek text. Though advocated by some sincere folks, this view is not consistent with the best of biblical scholarship. Note the following brief summary of this issue.
What About the Name Jehovah?
Some writers strongly object to the name Jehovah, as found in the American Standard Version (1901). Is this criticism justified? Are these critics consistent? Look at this matter carefully.
Nine Scientists Look at Religion
Richard Dawkins, prominent atheist, classifies religious faith as a “virus of the mind.” He and others of his kind desperately need to contract this virus!
Hebrews 1:4 – Better Than the Angels
The context of this passage makes it perfectly plain that the Lord Jesus is not of the angel class.
Is a Word Formula Required in Administering Baptism?
Must baptism be administered “in the name of Jesus” only to be valid?
Those Missing Links
Here we address the evolutionists’ problem of explaining the missing links in the fossil record, and the war raging between evolutionary proponents.
The Tongue: One of Man’s Most Dangerous Weapons
The human tongue is a dangerous weapon and exceedingly difficult to control. Let us consider some various forms of speech condemned in Scripture.
Ants: God’s Amazing Creatures
Ants are amazing little creatures. In many ways they exhibit “design,” hence argue for a Creator who designed them for their various functions.
Zephaniah 1:12 — The Theory of a Detached God
Is Jehovah “in touch” with His creation? Does he still rule in the kingdoms of men?
Is Pledging One’s Weekly Contribution Wrong?
Is it wrong for the elders of a local congregation to ask the members to “pledge” what they intend to give each week into the church treasury for the coming year?
Is Morality Essential to Leadership?
A survey out of Washington, D.C. requests that ministers answer this question: “Can an individual serve in leadership who lacks moral authority?”
Babylon: A Test Case in Prophecy—Part 2
Part two of a two-part series examining the ancient city of Babylon and its role in Bible prophecy
Scientific Foreknowledge in the Bible
Evidence of scientific foreknowledge in the Bible points to the original author—God!
Nehemiah 2:8 – Providence
An account in the Old Testament book of Nehemiah serves as a remarkable example of divine providence.
Zephaniah 1:7 – The Day of Jehovah Is Near
This passage is a clear illustration of the fact that time, in biblical prophecy, is relative.
What Are the Unicorns and Satyrs Mentioned in the Bible?
Bible critics have charged the sacred book with mistakes in that the King James Version mentions both “unicorns” and “satyrs” — both of which are mythical creatures. How does the student of the Scriptures respond to this alleged difficulty?