Abel Still Speaks, But Are We Listening?
The writer of the book of Hebrews says that Abel, the first murder victim, is yet speaking. What is he saying? Are we listening?
Does Mapping the Human Genome Prove Evolution?
Scientists recently announced that they have “mapped” the human genome. Some are alleging that this discovery contains positive proof for Darwin’s theory of evolution. Wayne Jackson addresses this issue.
The Pentateuch: The Cornerstone of Scripture
The first five books of the Old Testament are invaluable for the serious Bible student – in many different ways. Jason Jackson discusses these magnificent documents.
Dispensationalism and Zechariah 14
Zechariah 14 has no reference whatever to a millennial reign of Christ upon the earth.
The Importance of Messianic Genealogy
It Christ’s genealogy important in establishing his identity as Messiah? Consider the evidence.
Languages of the Bible
The original languages of the Bible are three: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. If one wishes to be a careful student of the Scriptures, he will want to do some research concerning the biblical languages.
What Is the “Gift” of Celibacy in 1 Corinthians 7:7?
It is never right to do wrong. But wrong-doing is compounded even more when one perverts Scripture in seeking to rationalize his evil. This week’s Q&A segment deals with the “gift” of celibacy. What is it?
What Must I Know To Be Saved?
Unlike some other religions, the validity of Christian faith rests upon what we believe about the gospel of Christ. But what exactly must one know to become a child of God? Let’s explore these thoughts in this brief article.
What Is the Eternal Sin?
Jesus once spoke of an “eternal” sin, for which there is no forgiveness. What was that sin? Can it be committed today?
The Temptations of Christ
Would you like greater strength in confronting temptation? We can learn from the Master, who never yielded, and we ought to appreciate the sufferings he endured for us. Let us study together the temptations of Christ.
The Altar of Incense: Where Was It Located?
Some critics have accused the writer of the book of Hebrews with contradicting the Old Testament with reference to where the “altar of incense” was located. Is this an insurmountable difficulty?
Understanding the Sense of Bible Words
Words can take on different senses depending upon the context in which they are found.
Killer Kids
A critical look at a disturbing trend of violence in our youth
Defending the Faith with a Broken Sword — Part 1
Can we do more harm than good when defending the truth with incorrect reasoning?
Are There Degrees of Blessedness and Punishment in Eternity?
Will there be different “degrees” of reward and punishment in the eternal order of things? The concept of “justice” — together with scriptural declarations — suggest there will be appropriate judgements.
Lessons from Lamentations
Be Still and Know That I Am God — Revisited
Do the Imprecatory Psalms and Christian Ethics Clash?
Troubled souls often raise such questions: If all parts of the Bible are equally inspired, how do you explain passages like Psalms 69:22-28, which call for punishment upon one’s enemies?
The New Slavery
Most everyone of the civilized nations finds the practice of human slavery abhorrent. The shocking fact is, however, slavery exists in profusion today, though it is scarcely recognized by most people. Read this engaging article on the “New Slavery.”
The Preacher and His Audience
Both the preacher and his audience have responsibilities in the kingdom of Christ.