Harold Kushner’s Messiah
When Harold Kushner wrote a book for children with religious questions, he de-personalized the “Messiah” of the Old Testament. Without any justification whatever, he simply re-wrote history. Such is the epitome of arrogance.
We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Often we deceive ourselves, thinking that we can escape immediate consequences. After all, we can change someday — some convenient season. Actually, we can not avoid the destructiveness of habitual sin (Hebrews 3:12-13). Let us learn from several who were caught in the act that we might always take sin seriously.
Power of the Pen, The
Wayne Jackson reflects on his past and aspirations for the future, in this endeavor.
Was Cornelius Saved Without Baptism?
Was Cornelius, the Roman centurion of Acts chapter ten, saved before and without baptism?
Jesus and Laughter
An atheist’s laughable attempt to criticize the Lord’s teaching is exposed.
Genesis 1 and Dinosaurs
Is it possible that dinosaurs and humans inhabited the same early earth? If so, why aren’t dinosaurs mentioned in Genesis 1? Study this issue with us.
The Sexual Orientation Controversy
According to some “experts” sexual orientation is not something one can change. Some of the major studies reflecting these opinions have been done, of course, by the homosexuals themselves.
A Profile in Christian Courage
John F. Kennedy authored a popular book, Profiles In Courage. The New Testament contains its own profiles in courage. In this Penpoint, Jason Jackson discusses the courageous tone of Paul’s second letter to Timothy.
Did God Reward Midwives for Lying?
Did God reward the midwives who may have lied to Pharaoh, only to kill Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5 for the same infraction? Does God deal prejudicially with people? Does the Bible represent the Lord as an inconsistent, unfair God? Let’s take a close look at a question that speculates on the justice of God.
Spiritual Warfare Is Real, Difficult, and Dangerous
The devil is after us. He wants us to join him in hell’s fire. In Ephesians 6:12-18, the apostle Paul pleads with Christians to take the devil’s malicious plans seriously. He calls upon us to appropriate the only available means to stand against the wiles of Satan — the whole armor of God. Such will make us strong in the Lord.
Straight Talk About Homosexuality
Homosexuality is not the fun and free lifestyle that the media images we see everyday portray. It is a destructive and damnable pattern of behavior that is characterized as sinful rebellion against our Creator. But it can be overcome.
The Abuse of Love
Love is a fantastic emotion, from both divine and human vantage points. But it can be abused—and frequently is.
Was Christ’s Power Limited by Man’s Faith?
When Christ was in his “own country,” Mark says that “he could do no mighty work” there (Mark 6:5). What is the meaning of this perplexing passage?
Does God Limit His Own Foreknowledge?
Is there biblical evidence that, in some cases, God has limited his own foreknowledge?
A Philosophy for Christian Living
The damaging effects of sin and the rigors of the Christian life can seem overwhelming. But in Philippians 3:13-14, the inspired apostle Paul sets forth an uplifting approach to life.
Notes from Isaiah 55
In the book of Isaiah (55:1ff) there is a thrilling prophecy of the salvation that was to be made available as a result of the promised Messiah’s victory over death.
What Is the Morning Star of Revelation 2:28?
What is the “morning star” promised to the faithful who overcome?
What Is the Purpose of Bible Genealogies?
Why are all those lists of names in the Bible?
Elisha and the Lads of Bethel
The incident in 2 Kings 2:23-24 of Elisha, the bears, and the mocking lads has been cited by atheists in an attempt to involve the Bible in moral difficulty.
Dignity Without Ostentation
Does it matter how you dress? Should dress be appropriate to the occasion? Most in society feel that it should—within reason. Let’s talk about this for a moment.