Hebrews 2:1 – Giving Heed to the Gospel
It is quite apparent that when one “gives heed” to the Lord’s will, he obeys the gospel.
6 Reasons Why Some Prayers Are Never Answered
Why are some prayers never answered? Is it possible that we may be guilty of hindering our own requests to the Lord?
Will Christ Reign Forever?
Some New Testament passages indicate Christ’s reign will end at some point. Others indicate it will last forever. Is this a contradiction? Can these passages be reconciled?
Take advantage of our Super Summer Book Sale. Quality books at reduced prices. Ideal gifts for graduates, special friends, etc.
Should a Christian Join the Gideons?
Should a Christian join the denominational organization called the Gideons as a means of promoting the gospel?
Bible Origin—When Silence Speaks Out Loud
The inspiration of the Bible can be proven by several lines of argumentation. One of these is what the Bible does not say..
Chicago’s Oriental Institute – Biblical Archaeology
If you are interested in Bible archaeology, you will not want to miss visiting the famous Oriental Institute, should you be in the Chicago area. It is one of the finest museums in the country, containing a great treasure of artifacts related to Bible lands.
The Power of Speech for Good or Evil
Speech is a very special gift from our Creator. It is a fresh challenge each day to channel our words for good.
Will Wicked People Be Annihilated in Hell?
This question discusses the ultimate fate of the wicked. Will it be annihilation or conscious suffering?
God Wants Me To Be Happy
Many people in today’s world justify their immorality by the rationalization, “God wants me to be happy.” But is “happiness” to be found in vile indulgences? Take a serious look at this issue in the light of God’s word.
Did Jesus Contradict Himself as He Approached Death?
Did Jesus contradict himself as he approached the ordeal of the crucifixion? Some critics so allege, but what are the facts?
Who’s the Boss?
What values are our children really learning from our parenting? Are we really concerned with instilling respect for God and his will in our children’s hearts, or are we more concerned with making sure they have the appearance of a successfull family environment?
1 Peter 1:22 – “You Have Purified Your Souls”
A comparison of 1 Peter 1:22 and Acts 2:38 amplifies the meaning of “obedience to the truth.”
Luke, the Beloved Historian
The preface to Luke’s Gospel account is packed with exciting information that lays the foundation for the credibility of his specifically designed narrative relating to the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. In this week’s Penpoints, Jason Jackson directs our attention to some of these matters.
Pascal and Paul
Blaise Pascal (1623-62) had a brilliant mind. He became convinced of the genuineness of the Christian religion. At times, however, his argumentation left something to be desired.
1 Timothy 1:20 – Delivered unto Satan
What does Paul mean when he stated that he had delivered Hymenaeus and Alexander unto Satan? What great sin warranted this action?
Does Mark 16:16 Involve “Water” Baptism?
Is the baptism in Mark 16:16 a baptism in water or is it of some other sort?
Jeane Dixon and the Psychic Hall of Shame
Do you remember Jeane Dixon? She was a world-renowned “psychic.”
Changing Attitudes Concerning Abortion
Americans’ views on abortion seem to be shifting, according to recent polling data.
Does the Case of David and Bathsheba Justify Adultery Today?
The Old Testament account of David and Bathsheba’s scandalous affair is a sad episode in history. Does their conduct serve as a precedent, justifying adulterous relationships today? Some appeal to it to that end. Wayne
Jackson addresses this issue in this month’s Feature.