The Awesome Responsibility of Church Leadership
Church leaders bear a most serious responsibility before God. Unfortunately, some professing Christians take advantage of good leaders and “church hop” from place to place to avoid faithful oversight.
The Indestructible Church of Christ
Some allege that the church of Christ, as established on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2), has not existed in an unbroken line since that time. The allegation is false if the testimony of Scripture is dependable.
The Canon of Sacred Scripture
Who determined which books were to go into the Bible? Exactly when did that occur? What are the Apocryphal books? Wayne Jackson addresses these important questions.
The Philanthropic Nature of Christianity
The arrival of Christianity provided refreshing encouragement of love-of-fellowman to a time that was marked by the lack of philanthropy.
The Beasts of Revelation 13
Prince of Egypt — The Movie
In mid-December the movie, Prince of Egypt, opened in theaters across the country. Because it differs so widely from the usual movie fare of sex and violence, this production is receiving high acclaim—even from religious figures like Billy Graham, James Dobson, Robert Schuller, and others.
The Pain of Lingering Regrets
Every sensitive soul is troubled from time to time by regrets that linger regarding past deeds in his life. There is a wrong way and a right way to deal with regret. Think about this matter with us in this week’s Penpoints article.
The Elders’ Duty of Watchfulness
Watchfulness over the flock is one of the most serious responsibilities of the eldership.
The Benevolent Influence of Christianity
Christianity has been the most benevolent influence in the history of the world. On occasion, even skeptics concede this truth.
The Ethics of Human Cloning
How does one evaluate the ethics of the practice of human cloning?
Making Merchandise of the Gospel
The world is constantly looking for flaws in those who set themselves forth as teachers of the Christian cause. It is not uncommon to observe that some religious leaders have exploited the “gospel” for their own financial interests.
This brief article addresses this issue.
The Tragedy of Pontius Pilate
Pontius Pilate, governor of Judea who presided at the trial of Jesus, was truly a tragic character. Yet, he was providentially used by God to establish the innocence of Christ. Wayne Jackson takes a look at Pilate in this week’s Penpoints.
The Significance of Small Things
Have you considered the significance of “small things” — both good and evil?
The Philosophy of John Calvin
John Calvin was a tremendously influential person in Protestant history. But his Institutes reveals his philosophy towards the Holy Scriptures. Is this philosophy worthy of emulation?
The Folly of Following Polls
We have become a nation driven by polls. Polls are taken to determine practically everything—from what sort of food Americans prefer, to whether or not the president should be impeached.
Atheism: The “Church” of Amorality
How do atheists determine what is moral or immoral? While they frequently claim there is a “standard,” closer examination reveals that the name of the game is “make up your own rules.”
The Curse of Religious Diversity
Religious diversity is a curse rather than a blessing.
The Death of Matthew Shepard
Shepard was a twenty-one-year-old student at the University of Wyoming. He openly professed homosexuality. Apparently, he was lured from a bar and taken to a remote place; there he was tied to a fence, pistol-whipped, and left exposed in the cold. Eventually, he died.
The Fragrance of Christian Influence
Influence is powerful for good or evil. Are you striving to enhance your influence for the honor of Christ?
The Influence of Home Life
Does the home influence the religious development of children?